Eight Rounds

1 Timothy 6:12 (ESV) – “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

The Christian walk isn’t easy. We don’t get breaks in the action, or “time-outs”. No sir, the walk is never-ending because Satan doesn’t sleep. He’s up, working toward our downfall 24-7. From the time we proclaim Jesus as Lord, the fight of the faith begins.

Because we’re surrounded by sin, it can be easy to fall back into destructive patterns we turned away from, at one time. Its almost pleasing to go back to our familiar ways, no matter how bad they were. That’s what Paul was warning Timothy about, in the scripture. He was telling him to keep fighting for Jesus; keep fighting for your new life; remember the pledge you took in front of witnesses whether they be church folk or angels in your room.

Personally, I like to think of my own fight of the faith as a boxing match, with each day broken down into eight rounds. As long as I’m breathing, the match never ends. I’ll always have to do battle against Satan. But God is in my corner, and with Him coaching me, I’ll never be defeated by the enemy. That’s the attitude we Christians have to keep. We can never stop fighting the good fight of faith.

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